Friday, August 27, 2010

Writer for the TRIBUNE USA Part Deux

 Inocencio S. Baligad: Chess Guru ~Tribune USA~ June 2006 by Jimmy Earll

Have you ever played chess when you were a kid? Or maybe you played at the park with the old-timers.
Mr. Baligad, a Las Vegas resident, is one of the highest rated Filipino-American chess players in the country. He has achieved the United States Chess Federation rating of 2264. He is a two-time Nevada State Champion. He drew with legendary Grand Master, Arthur Bisguier in a regular tournament. (In the chess world, it is a very big deal to be a Grand Master. It is the equivalent to making the major leagues in baseball). Baligad also won a simultaneous match against Grand Master, Demetri Gurevich. He hopes to coach young, budding Grand Masters in the future. I had a chance to sit down with the guru of chess at the International Chess Festival in Las Vegas.

Q: Why chess?
A: I was inspired when Bobby Fisher beat the Russians in the '70's.

Q: What is the rating of the best player in the world?
A: 2800's

Q: What is the rating of the best player you defeated?
A: 2450.

Q: Any advice for the young future Grand Master out there?
A: Master one opening.

Q: Okay, this has nothing to do with chess but...Iraq, stay in or get out?
A: Get out.

Q: Pro-choice or pro-life?
A: For what?

Q: Sex or chess?
A: No comment.

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